Discover the coastal paths of Belle-ile-en-mer

Discover the coastal paths of Belle-ile-en-mer. 85 km of marked trail along the Atlantic coast GR® 340
Count about 4 to 5 days on foot to do the complete tour of the island. Minimum 4 nights full board. You will be given a hiking guide, the adventure and the discovery of the extraordinary coast of this beautiful island begins ...
The ground can sometimes be slippery and the rock protruding! Good shoes, if possible hiking shoes are recommended.
We give you your hiking guide and take care of the arrangements : transfers from the arrival of the boat to the hotel (1st day and last day), accommodation, breakfasts, picnics and dinners  ... And in the evening: you can enjoy our panoramic jacuzzi or our heated swimming pool.
According to the program displayed in the hotel reception, a daily hiking programm is announced. Our program is ideal but fixed and not adjustable.
Whatever the weather, whatever the season, you will enjoy discovering this land rich in historical, cultural and natural heritage.

Sustainable tourism

Protecting exceptional nature

In partnership with the CCBI, Cardinal is committed to sustainable waste management

The Community of Communes is responsible for the prevention and management of domestic and related waste, and is constantly striving to reduce the volume of waste produced, while providing a high-quality service at a controlled cost.

Belle-ile-en mer: Aiming for zero waste


Sustainable tourism

Protecting exceptional nature

In partnership with the CCBI, Cardinal is committed to sustainable waste management

The Community of Communes is responsible for the prevention and management of domestic and related waste, and is constantly striving to reduce the volume of waste produced, while providing a high-quality service at a controlled cost.

Belle-ile-en mer: Aiming for zero waste


Sustainable tourism

Protecting exceptional nature

In partnership with the CCBI, Cardinal is committed to sustainable waste management

The Community of Communes is responsible for the prevention and management of domestic and related waste, and is constantly striving to reduce the volume of waste produced, while providing a high-quality service at a controlled cost.

Belle-ile-en mer: Aiming for zero waste


Discover the coastal paths of Belle-ile-en-mer

Discover the coastal paths of Belle-ile-en-mer. 85 km of marked trail along the Atlantic coast GR® 340
Count about 4 to 5 days on foot to do the complete tour of the island. Minimum 4 nights full board. You will be given a hiking guide, the adventure and the discovery of the extraordinary coast of this beautiful island begins ...
The ground can sometimes be slippery and the rock protruding! Good shoes, if possible hiking shoes are recommended.
We give you your hiking guide and take care of the arrangements : transfers from the arrival of the boat to the hotel (1st day and last day), accommodation, breakfasts, picnics and dinners  ... And in the evening: you can enjoy our panoramic jacuzzi or our heated swimming pool.
According to the program displayed in the hotel reception, a daily hiking programm is announced. Our program is ideal but fixed and not adjustable.
Whatever the weather, whatever the season, you will enjoy discovering this land rich in historical, cultural and natural heritage.


Example of a hiking program

Day of arrival
Installation at the hotel and discovery of the port of Sauzon

Day 1- 9:30 am
Departure from the Hotel - Pointe des Poulains - Apothecary - Giving
Circuit 5,6 and 7
Meeting at 16:00 on the parking lot of Donnant beach.

Day 2 - 9:30 am
Giving by Anter - Aiguille de Port Coton - Le Grand Phare- Kerel
Circuit N°8 -9-10
Meeting at 4:00 pm on the parking lot of Kerel beach.

Day 3- 9:30 am
Herlin - Pointe de Pouldon - Le Skeul - Port Blanc
Circuit N°11-12-13
Meeting at 4:00 pm on the Port-Blanc beach parking lot.

Day 4- 9:30 am
Port Maria -Port Andro-Kerdonis- Les Grands Sables - The Palace
Circuit N°14-15-16-17
Meeting at 4:00 pm on the Port of Le Palais

Day 5 - 9:30 a.m.
Departure from the Hotel - Le Palais
Circuit No. 4-3-2
Your luggage will be dropped off at the Hotel De Bretagne which is opposite the landing stage.


Our buffet with its 1,000 delights awaits you : A selection of organic, local and seasonal produce. Inventive, simple, tasty and vegetarian cuisine. An oyster bar and other innovations to follow....

Book your stay now on our website or by telephone on


Hôtel Le Cardinal
Port Bellec
56360 Sauzon, Belle-Ile-En-Mer
Tel : +33 2 97 31 61 60
Email :
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